How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

The signs that your air conditioner is not working as efficiently as it could are not always obvious, and you may wonder whetherair conditioning repair in West Palm Beach FL or replacing the unit would be best. While we cannot make that decision for you, we hope that letting you know what to look for and what to expect with our services will be helpful.

Signs Your Air Conditioner May Not Be Working Properly

Below are several indications that your air conditioner needs service. Unless you have completed training in air conditioning repair, we urge you to contact Pro-Star Air Conditioning, Inc. for diagnostic testing before attempting to fix the unit yourself.

  • High levels of dust in your home
  • Higher energy bills for several months in a row
  • Mold inside the unit
  • Noises such as grinding, grating, squealing, or vibrating that seem to be getting louder
  • Odors such as mold or a burning smell coming from the unit
  • Refrigerant or water leak
  • Thermostat malfunctions
  • Uneven cooling throughout your home
  • Unit releases hot instead of cool air
  • You cannot turn the unit on or off
  • Your home feels more humid

Although it is frustrating when your air conditioner does not work right during a Florida summer, the good news is that we can repair most of these issues. We are happy to provide a written cost estimate after evaluating your air conditioner.

You may wish to consider replacing your air conditioner if it is over 10 years old, you have frequent repair bills, or the cost of repairing it would be better going toward a new unit. Our technicians are happy to make a recommendation after determining the repairs your current unit needs. Please contact us to scheduleair conditioning repair in West Palm Beach FL today.

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